Let the

"Heart of the Pamirs"

not become history 

The Bartang Valley in the Tajik Pamir Mountains has been recently selected as one of the Top 100 sustainable travel destinations. However it is still one of the most well-guarded secrets among mountaineers. This has also a disadvantage: Whereas other mountainous regions such as Nepal and Bolivia get assailed with donations, the implementation of many reasonable infrastructural projects in Bartang fails because of its missing lobby - and the therefore lacking funds.


“Actually”, the Bartangi often use to say, “our valley is kind of paradise to us – if just our energy problem could become solved”.


Upper Bartang valley has not been sufficiently electrified so far. Therefore, for generating energy, the last remainders of vegetation in this anyway arid region are currently being exploited as fuel. If there will not be any solution in near future, this clandestine "heart of the Pamirs" cannot be inhabited anymore soon.

The campaign "Bartang has a future" aims to provide the necessary financial means for the electrification of Roshorv - the village which is suffering most from the energy crisis.


For finding out how you can donate or help otherwise, click here.


For prospective supporters in Germany: More information about Bartang Valley and the founder of this initiative you can find in the Geo magazine, issue 1/2015 (now also online in German languag).

Below a short film, made by Roman Droux, about the Pamirs and their energy problem (in case the video does not work, click here).