Your contribution for the future of Bartang

We are aware that the electrification of Roshorv village is an ambitious project, Nevertheless, with your help we may succeed: Even the smallest contribution helps us getting closer to our goal and at the same time increases our chances when applying for supplementary funds. If you would like to help us, you can...

Donate yourself

Please transfer your donation to the bank account of the Pamir-Hilfe e.V. ("Pamir help" - registered association):


IBAN: DE23 7105 0000 0020 2492 64


Bank name and place: Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land.


Include the reference „Fundraising Campaign Bartang-has-Future“.

If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation, please add your full name and address in the reference line as well.

Win additional donors

Are you a member in a charitable society? Or are you willing to organize a fundraising gala? We can participate in your fundraising event ourselves and do a presentation on a Pamirs-related topic of your and your guests' choice. (Little amendment: In case the event is not in good reach from southern Germany, of course the supposed outcome of the event should somehow justify our travel expenses).


Or what about conducting a “donations instead of presents” campaign, for example on your next big birthday or wedding? We can supply you with informative material for your guests in the format preferred by you.


Or are you aware of another subvention fund for which this project may apply? Please let us know!

Donate technical components or expertise

You are yourself working in the hydro-engineering industry? Maybe you have some advice regarding technical issues or other ideas for us…

Or your company would like to donate a turbine, generator or other technical components for the project? Then please let us get in touch soon…